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Jubilee Night

Wednesdays (except in summer) we share a communal meal and enjoy youth and adult programs. This year we start on Sept 18, 2024. Watch facebook for updates!

Jubilee Night was born out of a desire to help families fit child and youth programs into their busy schedules and competing time commitments, by putting all youth and adult education programs in one time slot. Each Wednesday evening, from mid-September through to the end of April, a large part of our church family gathers together, beginning at 6:00 pm. Cooking crews prepare a meal for 100+ people on a weekly basis (see link for our recipes). We open our evening together with prayer, enjoy a meal and disperse from there to our various programs – GEMS for girls, Cadets for boys, ACTS for pre-teens and Jubes for teens. Adult education classes begin once the clean-up is done. Nursery is provided for the little ones. Jubilee Night is truly a feat to pull off, but a blessing that has become an integral and vital part of our church family life. God amazes us each and every year with willing volunteers and eager leaders.

2024 Dates -> Sept 18th to Dec 11, Jan 15th to April 12th, except March 12th

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