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What's in a Name

Celebration of a Fresh Start

What's in a Name

Jubilee Our name reflects the new beginning that is possible in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament concept of the year of Jubilee is when debts were cancelled and everyone started fresh again. We come from broken places in our lives, but in Christ, the old has gone and the new has come. 

Jubilee was formed in 1987 and is located in south St. Catharines. Fellowship Fellowship means to be in Christian communion with each other. As a body of believers we live into this part of our name by encouraging and supporting one another in our walk of faith. In the ways we care for one another we give shape to the hope that we have in Christ and share God’s goodness and grace with all who worship with us in this place. Christian 

We are followers of Jesus Christ, learning from God’s Word and through God’s Spirit how we must serve Christ. The preaching of the Word and our worship experience is critical to shaping our lives to reflect God’s grace in our own lives and in the world around us. It is through seeking God’s will in prayer that our worship, our gathering as the body of Christ, and in engaging our community, must be infused with the work of the Holy Spirit. 

Our Christian faith is summarized in three historic, worldwide creeds: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed Reformed We share our theological roots, convictions, understanding, emphasis - with others in the Calvinist & Protestant tradition. We look to the sovereignty of God as the starting point for understanding who we are and how we are in relationship with our Lord. We bear witness to Christ’s Lordship in all areas of life, and live and work for the restoration of Christ’s Kingdom, seeking justice for all and caring for creation. Our Reformed tradition is built on three historic, Reformed confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism and the Canons of Dort. 

A people gathered into the joys and responsibilities of community with Christ as our Shepherd. It is our calling to bring the gospel of reconciliation wherever we find ourselves. Jubilee is not primarily a neighbourhood church because of the geographical diversity of our members but each of us is called to be a faithful witness of God’s grace to the people we meet in our daily lives.

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