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Safe Church

Ongoing work to make us safe against abuse of power!

Safe Church

Jubilee Fellowship CRC is committed to:
1) Providing a safe environment for children, youth and vulnerable adults in the care of the Church and to protect them from harm (including, but not limited to physical, sexual, emotional and neglect).
2) Protecting volunteers and employees in child, youth and vulnerable adult programs of the church from false allegations.
3) Abuse or neglect will not be tolerated.

We acknowledge, however, that we live in a broken world, and that one of the signs of that brokenness is the violation of boundaries for healthy relationships. When this kind of offense occurs, appropriate action is required.

We must strive to achieve justice, protect victims, promote the healing of those who have been abused, and work towards the sincere remorse and restoration of the abuser.

Talk to Nancy!

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