Our Calling as a Community of Belonging
Jubilee has been exploring inclusion through events and adult education for over 10 years. This has been engaging the full congregation for the last number of years. In the fall of 2023 the congregation was engaged around a statement of inclusion and in 2024 council reached consensus on adopting a new statement based on that final round of feedback.
Jubilee Fellowship CRC
Our Calling as a Community of Belonging
Jubilee Fellowship Christian Reformed Church is a community of faith where we recognize that all persons are created in the image of God, loved unconditionally by God, and are welcome as part of our church family. We find our primary identity in Jesus Christ, sealed in baptism and nourished at the communion table. No other identity - whether racial, cultural, sexual, gender-based, political, ability-based, or otherwise - comes before our identity in Christ.
At Jubilee, this means:
● We honour committed monogamous marriage between all persons.
● We welcome all who desire to follow Jesus to participate fully in the life of the church, including serving as ordained office-bearers, according to their gifts and callings.
● We regard diversity in humanity as a gift from God.
● We also recognize that sincere and committed Christians can and do hold a range of views on many issues, and that we may understand Scripture differently; but we commit to fully loving all within our community regardless of these differences.