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The preaching of the Word and our worship experiences shape us to reflect God’s grace in our own lives and in the world around us.


The preaching of the Word and our worship experiences shape us to reflect God’s grace in our own lives and in the world around us. It is through seeking God’s will in prayer that our worship, our gathering as the body of Christ, and our engaging our community will be infused with the work of the Holy Spirit.
We value
• PREACHING with messages that are biblical, authentic, culturally relevant, inspiring and engaging, which enable us to flourish and grow.
• LITURGY with services that are celebrative, thoughtful, support the preaching, and follow the liturgical church year
• MUSIC that is blended, incorporating contemporary songs, hymns and global songs, and which encourages congregational singing
• PRAYER by sharing our praises and petitions in prayer in the worship service and through a prayer ministry
• ART by incorporating the arts in liturgical and visual art, drama, flowers, banners, flagging and dance
• DIVERSITY through welcoming all ages, genders and abilities to participate in worship, and embracing a willingness to try new things in a flexible atmosphere
• SACRAMENTS by celebrating the sacraments in meaningful, spiritual and personal ways
• COMMUNICATION by using technology to enhance worship through visuals, video, testimonies, and to share these through social media
• GIVING by encouraging First Fruits giving in gratitude and trust
• GRACE by being agents of renewal as we live out our place in God’s world.

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