Who Does What at Jubilee!
A quick and handy list of staff, leadership and committees and at least one contact to help you find out more or get involved!
Pastor: (Transitional) Pastor- Syd Hielema
Office Administrator: Samantha Bowman-DeBoer
Worship Coordinator: Julie Hoff
Family Ministry Coordinator: Evan Fusilier
Technology Coordinator: Steven Folkerts
Facilities Manager: Finhas Yohannes
Committee and Team Leads
Youth Programs: Ingrid Beck, Sandra Heerema
Jubilee Night: Steve Collins, Helen Verkuyl
GEMS: Allison Beekhuis
Cadets: Marvin DeBoer
Clerk: Steve Collins
Treasurer: Terry Veldboom
Bookkeeper: Yvonne Rauwerda
Life Groups: Keith & Bonnie Vrieswyk
Outreach Ministry: Elly Hoff
Table Church Team: Gina VandenDool, Carolyn Elzinga, Thalia Semplonius, Sara Pot, Julie Hoff
Congregational Life Ministry: Floyd Elzinga, Elly Hoff, Gail Poulsen, Martin Lensink
Financial Administration Board: Terry Veldboom
Property Administration Board: Hank Beekhuis
Brock Campus Ministry Team: Karen Gerritsma
Disability Concerns Team: Sara Pot
Newcomers to Canada Team: Rose Dekker
Personnel Committee: Melinda Regnerus
Prayer Team: Keith & Bonnie Vrieswyk
Restorative Practices Team: Karen Gerritsma
Safe Church Team: (Interim) Nan Baker
Tuition Support Initiative: Bob Vanderheide
Vision Committee: Marlene Bergsma
Jubilee Meals: Helen Verkuyl
Chair: Ted Harris
Vice-Chair: Albert Kok
Clerk: Steve Collins
Personnel Rep: Henry Knoop
Deacon Rep: John Klompmaker
Council includes all Members of the Pastorate
Chair Keith Vrieswyk
General Care Elders: Ruth Beekhuis, Nan Baker, Mark & Gina VandenDool
Seniors Elders: Karen Gerritsma, Dora Stroobosscher
Outreach Elder: Elly Hoff
Life Group Elder: Keith & Bonnie Vrieswyk
Youth and Young Adult Elders: Ingrid Beck, Sandra Heerema
Chair: John Klompmaker
Ed Breimer- NTC, General Care, Life Groups
Carrie de Roo- Secretary, Outreach, CampShout
Phyllis Kamps- Life Groups
Kevin Meester- Correspondence, Treasurer
Brad Bergsma - Vice Chair, Tuition Support
Clinton Klamer - Kings Cross
Terry Veldboom- Deacon at Large
Pastors who call Jubilee Home
Zachary DeBruyne (current Brock Campus Minister)
Jim Dekker
Andre Basson
Missionaries Directly Supported:
Tim & Angie Sliedrecht (CRC World Missions, Uganda),
Cora Hunse (Great Commission Foundation/Solid Rock International, Dominican Republic),
Alan Lensink (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, University of British Columbia), Rev. Willemina Zwart (South Coast Beach Project).
Everyone above will be in the Church Directory and the following emails are used for contacting the major functions at Jubilee.